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December | New in Shop | Warm Winter Edition

Hello! and Happy December 1st everyone! Things have been so busy and hectic around the home front and I haven't been able to devote as much time to my little business this month, let along craft. Ive been dying to get a system of devoting more time to project life. There are so many things that I want to bring to this business this year, and hope your all along for the ride.

So, this past month has met with new challenges, and more effort from me. I have restarted my weight watchers, and have been loving it! Im down almost 20lbs since my last visit to the doctor in September, and the relief has been really good for me. I feel better then ever, and also a bit more accomplished. The new year is coming, and so many things cross my mind that I want to change. That word "Change" I'm sure is in the air for all of us. The Word "reason" is also very close to the reasons for giving up. But, at some point after try, fail, try, fail, somethings clicks and you really want to. So I decided to start with my weight, since its been holding me back for sometime with so many things in my life.

Anyways, I wish you all the best this year! Below are some new items in the shop!


About Me

My name is Krissy and I am the creative behind the crafty pocket. I'm a coffee drinking nerd that loves to craft, Netflix binge, eat healthy, cook and shop! I write about the stuff I create, love, craft and buy. I am a wife with two cats, currently stationed in WVa.

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