I'll be joining Kelli Winnell and Jessica Upton this year on their little October project called #31minutesfor31days , and you can learn all about it by clicking the link right by the hashtag. I didn't get a chance to do this last year because I was terribly sick, and moving as well. A lot of the girls are doing a travelers notebook for this project, but for some reason all the space in on scares me and my creativity away. So I stuck to something that I know and that would be a mini book. I haven't made one of these in so long, and with small snap shots of the day, I think it might just be perfect.
Above are my first pages. Ive chosen golds, pinkish reds, oranges, and golds as the color scheme for this project.
You can follow me on my personal instagram here, to catch some sneak peeks of my album as it comes along.